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Pre-Care at Reconnect


Updated: Jul 1, 2024

A blog post with a little something special, delving into Chiropractic theory and how to enhance your adjustments

Innate Intelligence

Your body is designed to be perfectly healthy given your innate intelligence is able to be expressed over your genetic code (DNA) without interference. Homeostasis maintains a tight range of function across all systems within the body; this allows for adaptation. Allostasis represents the physiological cost of stress on your body, which will be impacted on by your body's ability to regulate itself amid stressors.

What is Health?

“A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health Organisation). It is your body's ability to heal and regenerate.

Master Controller

Your nervous system is divided into different systems; the parasympathetic system, which is your "rest and digest" system that activates when you are relaxed or in a state of rest, your sympathetic system which is your fight or flight system, which ideally only activates in times of stress or in response to a threat. When this system doesn't function as it should, it is either chronically activated at inappropriate times, or will make the system "freeze", where no outward response is made to deal with the stressor.

Your brain & nervous system controls & coordinates every cell, tissue, organ & function. How your body responds to a situation does depend on the state of your nervous system prior to the situation occurring e.g. if you're already in a state of fight or flight, you will tend towards being defensive or aggressive.

90% of stimulation & nutrition to the brain comes from spinal movement, meaning your body's ability to move (well or poorly) dictates how well your brain functions.

Subluxation: "less than enough light" in Latin. This represents a "blind" or "weak" spot in the nervous system. Studies show that just 3 minutes of a 5 cent coin weight on the sciatic nerve results in 60% reduction in function.

After 3 hours, the nerve begins to degenerate.

Subluxation causes the stress state within body, which if chronically activated over time leads to degeneration or breakdown of the body.

11 million bits of information per second flood into our brains, yet only 50 of those are bits conscious and only 18% of all nerves are designed to signal pain. This means sometimes the absence of pain can be a poor indicator of function.

Stressors; Causes of Subluxation

- Positioning in utero

- Assisted birth

- Birth trauma

- C-section

- Positioning in car seat, cot, etc

- Falls (insignificant & otherwise)

- Mental, emotional or social stress

- Poor environment (e.g. lighting, airflow)

- Poor mental habits or health

- Unhealthy relationship with work

- Repetitive prolonged postural strains

- Lack of meaningful movement

- Screen time

- Poor diet

- Injuries, accidents

- Incorrect lifting technique

- Poor sleeping habits; posture, quality & quantity

Can you think of any others?

3 Types of Stress


- Posture

- Surgeries

- Movement

- Sleep

- Accidents/Falls

- Time in nature


- Eating Habits

- Medications

- Cleaning (house & self)

- Environmental toxins

- Water intake


- Sense of self

- Self talk

- Outlook

- Self regulation

- Present time consciousness

- Belief systems

Tech Neck

"Abnormalities of this natural curvature, such as loss of cervical lordosis or cervical kyphosis (a reversed curve), are associated with pain, disability, and poor health-related quality of life". Constantly looking down at your device will encourage an adaptation to that stressor, changing the natural curvature of your cervical spine or neck.

The green Innate arrow signifies the innate intelligence - that self-healing, self-regulating force that pushes you to be your healthiest self to reach your fullest potential. The yellow "universal" arrow signifies the external stressors or forces that interfere with that innate ability and your nervous system. Relief care (when you get adjusted until you no longer have symptoms) is useful for a short term "fix" to feel better, but most likely will not have corrected the underlying problem. The initial care and subsequent corrective care arrows signify the longer term care options that provide a preventative-type approach, aiming to restore you to your best, so you can be and stay well. 

Your job & your Doctors job

  1. Adjustments in rhythm: stay on schedule

  2. Habits: destructive to supportive

  3. Acknowledge goals: what do you want to move towards

How to hold your adjustments better


- Practice good posture

- Regular meaningful movement

- Good sleep hygiene

- Injury rehab

- Adequate rest

- Myofascial release


- Supportive eating habits

- Sufficient water intake

- Low toxic personal products

- Review medication & supplement use

- Proper oxygenation (breathing)


- Supportive self talk

- Present time consciousness

- Conflict resolution

- Interpersonal relationships

- Proper oxygenation (breathing)

- Foster energy restoring activities/people

- Reduce/eliminate energy depleting activities/people

Chiropractic Research

75-84% of pregnant women who receive Chiropractic find it reduces their lower back pain Women pregnant for the first time find they have a 25% shorter labour time when receiving chiropractic Multiparous women find they have a 31% shorter labour time Reduce need for medical intervention for birth by 30% Breastfeeding issues: 78% of infants with difficulty/inability to breastfeed were able to independently do so after 2-5 adjustments.

"It is plausible that chiropractic care may be of benefit to every function of the body and have the potential for long-term, overall health benefit to those receiving chiropractic care"

When is the best time to look after your health? Contact Dr. Xanthe Hand at Reconnect Chiropractic on 0472 924 000 or visit to make a booking.

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Rannoch Circle Hamersley, WA


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